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The YWCA of the City of New York (YW-NYC) works to eliminate racism, empower women, and stand up for social justice by providing leadership and advocacy training for young women, and after-school programming for elementary and middle school students in culturally diverse communities.

The YWCA of the City of New York (YWCA NYC) works to eliminate racism, empower women and stand up for social justice by providing leadership and advocacy training for young women, and after school programming for elementary and middle school students in culturally diverse communities.

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The YWCA NYC provides a safe and supportive space for the young people of our city. YW students engage in programming where they can reach for their dreams, learn to become agents of change in their own communities, and get exposed to opportunities and careers to break the cycle of poverty and injustice.

The YWCA NYC provides a safe and supportive space for the young people of our city. YW students engage in programming where they can reach for their dreams, learn to become agents of change in their own communities, and get exposed to opportunities and careers to break the cycle of poverty and injustice.


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